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You Need To Know This About CBD Oil

CBD Oil Skincare Benefits
CBD has an odd reputation because of its origins. Also known as cannabidiol it is an entirely natural substance that originates in plants of the cannabis family, including hemp. CBD is one of many compounds found in hemp and/or cannabis, and while that makes many think it could be responsible for giving someone who uses it a “high”, it can’t. It does not have any THC, the psychoactive agent in marijuana.
Even so, it is an amazingly effective compound with evidence supporting its use as an analgesic (pain reliever), an anti-epileptic compound, and more. Of course, those are oral preparations and how they are being legally used in many parts of the country, but CBD oil can also be used topically. In fact, it is easily processed from its natural plant form into an active ingredient that is non-irritating and of benefit to many different consumers.
Can you find a use for CBD oil skincare benefits? It is likely that almost anyone eager for a natural and beneficial addition to the skin care regimen will find a definite use for CBD oil products, especially if they are used daily.
After all, the beauty industry is always interested in products with limited and natural ingredients that boast a long list of potential uses. This is one of the reasons for the long-lasting successes of products like coconut oil or vitamin E oil.
With CBD oil skincare benefits, consumers enjoy a product that features several documented uses for skin care and health, and as noted above they include anti-inflammatory properties as well as anti-aging benefits.

CBD Oil Skincare Benefits – WHO Benefits?
Let’s take a few moments to understand the issues that CBD oil may be able to alleviate by first considering how it might offer such benefits. First and foremost, CBD oil is getting attention for its anti-inflammatory behaviors.
Inflammation is a major health issue often related to quite severe problems. It is a bodily response to injury, irritation or even to an allergen. It is something that our body does to fight infection or trigger healing. However, it can go on for too long or occur when it is not needed and this can lead to such problems as heart disease, stroke, autoimmune issues, and more. It can become chronic and when that happens, white blood cells flood an area and may even attack healthy organs or cells. This is why inflammation is linked to certain cancers.
It is also directly related to the issue known as acne. Health experts have long studied acne because it can be difficult to treat and predict. Interestingly enough, experts do know that acne, which is not just a bunch of pimples and constant breakouts but also chronically clogged pores that present with redness, oil, and infection, relates to inflammation.

In fact, there is a variety of acne called inflamed or inflammatory acne and it can include comedones, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts. While there are many treatments available, CBD oil has been shown to soothe and calm skin affected by inflammatory acne. It reduces the redness and swelling and even shrinks the areas and/or frequency of breakouts.
Additionally, some studies have shown that the use of CBD oil is now proven to reduce the amount of sebum, a natural oil that can be overproduced by the glands in the skin and cause acne as well as hair loss.
We also noted CBD oil as a proven treatment for skin conditions that cause visible redness, swelling, dryness, itch and irritation. Whether someone has normal or sensitive skin, CBD oil has demonstrated an ability to balance the skin without any risk of irritation from additives or other agents.
By balancing skin, it can also help to keep it in better condition. This means those with typically dry skin can count on the CBD oil to keep it smoother and moisturized. If oily skin is an issue, however, CBD may help to alleviate the problem.
In addition to its noted benefits as a soothing and healing compound for acne-prone or chronically irritated skin, it is also high in antioxidants.
While many are aware of the benefits of antioxidants in the diet, most of us remain entirely unaware of how they help skin. The major antioxidants include vitamins A, C and E. And they supply the skin, hair and nails with what they need to be in their best condition. However, when applied topically in the form of natural CBD oil (which, as noted is very high in these compounds), it can also provide anti-aging benefits.

As the skin ages it loses natural collagen and elastin. This is why we start to form lines and wrinkles as young as our twenties. Add environmental challenges such as too much sun exposure, and lifestyle choices like smoking and drinking, and cellular damage can occur. This only speeds up the aging process in the skin.
Yet, if you give the skin direct applications of key nutrients and antioxidants you can slow the damages done by time as well as even undoing them. CBD oil is so beneficial that it can reduce inflammation (as we learned above) as well as reversing some free radical damages.
What does this mean? If your skin has lines and wrinkles, has lost a bit of its elasticity and generally appears unhealthy or even ruddy, CBD oil applications can help.
Finally, there is some evidence to suggest that CBD oil is effective in the relief of some chronic skin issues. These include dermatitis, psoriasis and xerosis. These are conditions that cause excessive amounts of skin drying, irritation, flaking, burning, and redness. In addition to being uncomfortable and unsightly, such conditions are also difficult to treat, and yet CBD has shown effectiveness.

What about Safety?
Of course, many people worry about the safety of an oil derived from cannabis being slathered on their skin. However, the simple truth is that it is entirely safe as well as effective. There is no research to prove that there are risks for those who use CBD oil as directed, meaning in small amounts topically applied to the skin.
It helps to know that CBD works in the body in a similar way to a natural compound our bodies create, known as anandamide. This is part of what creates the famous runner’s high and when our bodies encounter CBD internally or topically, they boost their own natural levels of the similar compound. It is why it can be used effectively as a topical pain reliever, but as a beauty product or ingredient, it is also the oil’s work as an anti-inflammatory and nutrient that adds to its appeal.

Where Can You Find CBD Oil in Beauty Products?
Before asking where one can get their hands on CBD oil products, it is common to wonder if it is even legal. After all, it is derived from a plant that still appears on the federal list of controlled substances. However, with the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill in the U.S. Congress, CBD oil became entirely legal in almost all of the states. This allows scientists to begin doing more in-depth studies of its benefits, and it is why the makers of beauty products have started to really put it to use.
Do remember, though, that it has to come from industrial hemp, which is identical to cannabis. Prior to the passage of the bill, it was illegal to grow hemp at an industrial level, which was a terrible scenario. The plant is remarkably useful and offers no compounds that can create that feeling of being high that cannabis is used for.
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Today, you can find it in:
- Serums – These can be used in targeted ways, such as a CBD enriched serum used to undo signs of aging around the eye or a CBD serum to reduce acne flare ups
- Creams – Similar to serums, you can find any number of CBD creams targeting the face, the body, the neck, hands and so on
- Lotions – The skin of the body ages and it is not limited to the face alone. CBD oil can also be added to body lotions, hand lotions and bath lotions
You will also see CBD oil bath bombs, lip balm and much more. Generally speaking, any sort of product already used to combat redness, itchiness, skin conditions, acne, aging and irritation will probably have several options with CBD oil added.
This means that it is already in widespread use, but before you pick up an array of them, understand that there are many different ways that it is put to use and even many different ways the ingredient – CBD oil itself – is produced.

Take Time to Know More about CBD Oil
You hear the phrase CBD oil and think, “Oh, they pressed the plants and captured oils or essences”. That sounds reasonable, but there is a lot more to know about it, and by taking the time now you can be sure you get the best product possible.
Firstly, you should know that there are a few ways you will see it described on ingredients labels:
- CBD isolate – As you might imagine, this is an isolated version, meaning you get nothing but the CBD and none of the other 80+ compounds found in cannabis.
- Whole Plant CBD – This is CBD that may include other compounds found in cannabis, but never the THC that is responsible for the feeling of being high that comes from smoking the plant or consuming extracts
- Full Spectrum CBD – As just noted above, there are more than 80 compounds in cannabis, and when you see a product that is using full spectrum CBD it means that the manufacturer used an extraction method that captured the CBN as well as the CBD which are the two agents in a full profile of the CBD molecule

Again, this may make you worry that there could be something less than legal about ingredients. The good news is that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) does not impose the same sort of approvals as pharmaceuticals. That is one of the main reasons that CBD oil is currently a perfectly legal ingredient in any number of beauty products.
However, you must still be aware of a few things before you purchase a product. Firstly, no manufacturer can legally claim that their CBD product will be an effective remedy for anything. This would be an illegal statement because there has not been any FDA testing or approval.
An honest manufacturer would simply explain that CBD oil has been showing itself effective for the issues we have already mentioned, and then explain how much of it is in the product in question.
This brings us to another issue: Should you turn to pure CBD oil products or rely on products with a blend of ingredients?
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CBD On Its Own or With Other Ingredients?
Let’s use a commonly understood nutritional model to start to explain this issue. When you drink a glass of milk you get a good dose of calcium. Most of us know that. However, if that calcium is consumed at the same time as a nice amount of vitamin D, your body is able to absorb that calcium, and use it much more effectively. It is why you see most milk has vitamin D added, but also why orange juice with added calcium will also feature vitamin D.
When beauty product manufacturers pair up CBD oil with another ingredient, such as vitamin E or with hyaluronic acid, it is not to dilute the CBD oil or stretch it out. It is to ensure you get the greatest benefit possible.
Also, it is incredibly important to remember that CBD oil is often labeled as hemp oil. Both come from non-THC bearing hemp plants, and the only reason a manufacturer might opt for hemp oil is because they want to avoid any negative associations with the CBD acronym. They might also opt out of CBD oil as a label for the ingredient because the level of active CBD is very low. The levels can legally vary quite dramatically and it is best to take your time and find the premium manufacturers with the highest amounts of active CBD oil in the product.
In fact, if you want to be certain that you are going to get the benefits of CBD oil, you’ll want to read the labeling and ensure it is cannabidiol OR cannabis sativa seed oil and not just a vaguely described hemp oil added.

Tips for Selecting a Product
You now know that CBD oil is touted as an effective remedy for skin irritation and inflammation, certain chronic skin conditions and many of the signs of aging. However, you have also learned that CBD oil can be produced in three different ways and that the amount of active ingredient varies. Lastly, we learned that it can be safely and legally used on its own but may be even more beneficial if used in conjunction with other skin care ingredients seeking the same results. So, we suggest that you choose your products based on these points or tips:
- Know the kind of CBD oil contained in the product (isolate, whole plant, full spectrum)
- Find out how much CBD oil is in the product (i.e. 100mg CBD, etc.)
- Try to find it in a product designed for your intention (i.e. an eye serum with added vitamins E and C). Some of the most beneficial co-ingredients include hyaluronic acid (a natural ingredient that can trap up to 1000x its molecular weight in water), vitamins A, C and E, and retinol
- Make it a part of your beauty regimen and not the entire thing
- Pay attention to the results and cease using it immediately if you experience any issues (which is incredibly rare)
And how do you incorporate it into a daily skincare regimen? That depends entirely on why you are using it. Let’s take a look at two of the most common reasons/ways people would use it and how to add it to the daily routine.
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Using CBD Oil for Acne
When you are living with the difficulties of acne, one of the most significant things you can do is to take the time to figure out the right ways to care for your skin. After all, most people do not realize that you need to use gentle cleansers, non-irritating toners, specialty serums that reduce inflammation (like a CBD oil serum) and a moisturizing product.
You also want to spot treat areas of flare up during the day and even do a morning, midday and evening regimen to help balance the skin.

Using CBD Oil for Anti-Aging
Again, a daily routine for skin care is essential to the best results with any products and not just CBD oil products. A good regimen would look like this:
- Wash and exfoliate the skin
- Apply serums, including CBD containing serums for the gentle eye area, the areas where lines are present, and so on
- Apply a daily moisturizer with SPF
An evening routine would be the same but instead of moisturizing with an SPF formula, a more intense overnight moisturizer would be best. One with retinol and CBD might be ideal, but you can safely use a CBD anti-aging serum and then a retinol product in addition to the moisturizer.
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Does It Really Work?
Here’s the simple truth – experts all agree that there is a lot more research needed to understand the overall effects of CBD oil on the average consume and whether or not it is as effective as many say. It has proven itself to be anti-inflammatory, pain relieving and full of antioxidants, but what is not so clear is whether it is more effective than other longer used compounds.
For example, is it as good an anti-aging and repairing compound as retinol? Is it as hydrating as hyaluronic acid? Scientists have yet to do the side by side comparisons on large enough groups of candidates.
One report noted that it is ” strong antioxidant — stronger than vitamin C and vitamin E, more like a botanical antioxidant, so that’s always helpful because it protects collagen and stops DNA damage and protects from sun damage.” That is pretty amazing. Another report said that it is an ideal “anti-inflammatory for people with rosacea, eczema or acne.”
Another report noted that it does prove itself effective, but there is “an overall lack of research surrounding it, largely due to the legal murkiness surrounding the ingredient. Though hemp was recently legalized, the Food and Drug Administration has yet to approve CBD itself, with the exception of one prescription drug mean to treat epilepsy. And while the FDA doesn’t approve beauty products, all that means there simply aren’t enough studies on CBD to know, for example, how much of it manufacturers need to put into a product for it to be effective.”

Time will tell just how effective it is. Right now, what is true is that it is safe and effective, particularly when paired up to other ingredients.
So, go right ahead and try a few CBD products for yourself to reap all the CBD oil skincare benefits. Just remember to count on them as a support to the beauty regimen, and not as a powerful formula of their own. Rely only on those products that are transparent about the source of the CBD and the amount in the formula. Buy only from quality manufacturers clear about their own source of CBD and how it is made and keep track of the success or failure of a product then share that with others.
We all know that herbal and natural formulas were the foundation of the beauty industry and that each year we return more and more attention to those natural products and their benefits. CBD oil is among them and sure to offer you a good, safe and effective addition to your beauty regimen.
More Great Resources on CBD Oil Skincare Benefits:
CBD Oil’s Benefits for Skin: Can it Help With Acne, Anti-Aging, & Other Skin Issues?
Everything You Need to Know About CBD Oil in Beauty Products

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