For those of us who like to follow all of the latest discoveries and trends…
Smoking and Your Skin
Smoking not only has hazardous effects on general health of the body, but health of the skin as well. Smoking and tobacco use may not only cause cancer, but are linked to premature aging and wrinkling of the skin. The weakening of the blood vessels and small capillaries that supply blood to the tissues is decreased because of nicotine in tobacco.
Smoking can have negative effects on normal sleep schedules as well. Nightly nicotine withdraws can cause tossing and turning while sleeping. Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, which displaces the oxygen in the skin. This can reduce blood flow, leaving the skin dry and discolored. Vasoconstriction can also occur, limiting oxygen-rich blood flow to the vessels in the face and other parts of the body. Vasoconstriction does not allow wounds to heal normally, meaning they could take almost double the time to heal than normal healthy skin.
Avoiding the use of tobacco will not only keep you healthy, but it will keep your skin healthy and functioning properly as well. Always remember to stay hydrated and be mindful of the habits that can affect the skin.
Content Provided By: Alexia Hites
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