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Cellulite and Fascia – The Connection…OR
The Myth?
In this article, we are going to explore cellulite and fascia. You will learn what cellulite is, and how you can best get rid of it with cellulite treatment! Will fascia be the key to decreasing the appearance of cellulite or is it just a trendy myth?
What is Cellulite?
Cellulite is caused by fat deposits in the body pushing through some of the connective tissue beneath the skin. It leaves the skin with a lumpy, dimpled appearance, and it usually occurs on the buttocks and the thighs. However, it can actually occur on any body part. Some people call cellulite “orange peel” skin or “cottage cheese” skin because the texture is very similar.
It affects men and women, although women have a much higher rate of cellulite. At least 80% of women will experience cellulite at some point in their lifetime. The reason women are affected more heavily is because of the way the fat and muscles are distributed in the female body.

What Causes Cellulite?
While we can define what cellulite is, the medical community doesn’t know the exact reasons why some people are affected and others are not. However, they can explain why it is more prevalent in women than in men.
In women’s bodies, the connective tissues and the fat cells are arranged in a vertical pattern. The fat cells protrude through the strands of connective tissue which gives the dimpled appearance.
In men’s bodies, the connective tissues and the fat cells are arranged in a criss-cross pattern. This makes it more difficult for the fat cells to protrude through the connective tissues.
There are hormonal factors that the medical community think may play a large role in the development of cellulite. The process likely includes the hormones estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, prolactin, and various thyroid hormones.
The hormone theory explains that as the blood flow decreases to the connective tissues, like when a woman is approaching menopause, less oxygen reaches the area and collagen production slows. Also, fat cells begin to enlarge due to decreased estrogen. The combination of the enlarged fat cells and decreased oxygen and collagen make the fat deposits protrude as the connective tissue weakens.
Science also thinks that aging and various other genetic factors may play a large role in the appearance of cellulite. It can also be found in higher rates on people that do not exercise or who smoke.
Weight can play a small contributing factor because of the higher prevalence of fat cells, but thin people can also show signs of cellulite. It is more common in people that are over the age of 25.
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How Can You Get Rid Of Cellulite?
Scientific research has not yet found a way for the elimination of cellulite. However, the American Academy of Dermatology has found a few techniques that can decrease the appearance of cellulite. Some of these methods include:
- Acoustic Wave Therapy: Using a hand-held device, the dermatologist will transmit sound waves into the areas affected by cellulite. It requires several sessions to see any improvements.
- Laser Treatments: The dermatologist inserts a tiny laser probe underneath your skin. The laser breaks up the cellulite and thickens the skin. Having thicker skin can also reduce the appearance of cellulite.
- Subcision: During this process, the dermatologist uses a needle to break up the connective tissues. This technique can decrease the appearance of cellulite for two or more years.
- Vacuum-Assisted Techniques: There is not very much data available about this technique, but it appears to be effective for up to three years. The device uses small blades to cut the connective tissues, and the vacuum help move the tissue underneath the skin up towards the surface. This gives a flatter less dimpled appearance.
- Carboxytherapy: This technique uses carbon dioxide and inserts it underneath the skin. It can cause discomfort and bruising, but the appearance of the cellulite may be lessened.

- Endermologie: While this technique has been approved by the FDA, there hasn’t been any substantial research showing its effectiveness. The process involves a deep tissue massage and a vacuum device. It is supposed to lift the skin and reduce the dimpling associated with cellulite.
- Liposuction: Liposuction actually removes fat cells from the body. However, this can cause the appearance of cellulite to worsen in some people.
- Caffeine Creams: Caffeine dehydrates fat cells which makes them less visible. To be effective, this cream would need to be used on a daily basis.
- Retinol: This type of cream or lotion can reduce the appearance of cellulite by increasing the skin’s thickness. However, it will take up to six months to be effective. It can come with side effects like causing your heart to race. It is best to do a small test patch before attempting to tackle a large area of your skin.
- Diet: Eating a healthy diet will not remove the cellulite that you already have because it does not have any effect on the structure of your connective tissues. However, reducing the amount of fat that you are eating means that you will have less fat cells to push through the connective tissues. Eating a healthy diet can stop you from creating more cellulite.
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Diet and Cellulite
Like we mentioned in the last section, diet may not have much effect on the cellulite that you already have, but it can be a big help in preventing new cellulite from forming. In this section, we will discuss a few ways that you can change your diet to keep the cottage cheese look from spreading.
Increasing fruit and vegetable intake can give you a healthy level of collagen and help with keeping your collagen from breaking down. The antioxidants present in fresh fruits and vegetables are the key to the collagen production. Some of the best ones to add to your grocery list include red cabbage, pomegranate, beetroot, blueberries, and red kale.
Another great tip is being conscious of the ways you are getting your proteins. You want to make sure that you are getting the amino acids that you need to keep your connective tissues healthy. You also want to be choosy with your carbs, opting for whole grains instead of processed carbs.
While it is always a good idea to lower your fat intake, you want to make sure that you are including your healthy fats like fish, nuts, and avocado. These healthy fats actually increase your blood’s circulation.
No matter what you are eating, you want to maintain a healthy portion size. Too much of a good thing is still too much.
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What is Fascia?
Fascia is made of glycoproteins, collagen fibers, and various other cells. It has the important job of keeping the parts of your body where they are supposed to be, from your face all the way down to your toes. Think of the white stuff that gives an orange slice its shape, that is basically what fascia does for your body.
It is basically a sheath of tissue that surrounds your muscles, your bones, and all of your internal organs.
Why Should You Care About Fascia?
Basically, fascia is one of the most important systems in your body because it connects all the other systems together. It is what allows you to move without pain, and it is one of the key elements in recovering from an injury. When you are inactive for periods of time, like while sitting on the couch watching TV, your fascia can become “stuck” or stiff. This stiffness will cause discomfort.
Tension headaches, creaky knees, back pain, and sore feet can all be caused by fascia working in a way that it shouldn’t. For example, sitting at the computer for too many hours per day can cause the fascia in your shoulders to weaken while the fascia in your head gets all bunched up. This can lead to tension headaches.
How to Have Healthy Fascia
Keeping your fascia healthy and happy can do a lot for your overall health. It can improve the alignment of your body. It can increase your blood flow, and it can lessen body aches and pain. So there are some very real health implications in keeping your fascia healthy.
Here are a few ways you can improve your fascia health:
- Stretch: Without causing yourself any pain, you should stretch for ten minutes per day, holding each stretch for at least 30 seconds.
- Rolling: Use a foam roller to release some of the tightness creating by your fascia holding onto tension. Concentrate on sore spots for up to a minute at a time to restore your fascia to health.
- Steam: Your fascia will become more flexible and pliable when you apply heat. This heat can be internal, from exercising, or external from the steam room or sauna.
- Hydrate: Drinking plenty of water is good for your entire body, fascia included. Being properly hydrated will keep your fascia at a more malleable state.
- Massage: If you find that you are chronically sore or stiff, you may want to seek professional help. A chiropractor or a massage therapist that specializes in fascia may be necessary to get you back on track.

Fascia and Cellulite Treatment
Fascia Blasting has become a recent trend, mainly due to promotion by the Kardashians and an explosion of before and after photos on social media. Women were claiming that the FasciaBlaster was a life-changing device that left them pain and cellulite free. But is that all hype with this cellulite treatment?
Khloe Kardashian was seen on the show Keeping Up With the Kardashians explaining her FasciaBlaster to her sister Kourtney. Khloe said, “You rub this on your body like really hard, but you gotta be naked and it breaks down the stuff.”
The creator of the FasciaBlaster states that the clawed design of the device helps to “rake through the fascia, breaking up the adhesions, and allowing the fascia to revert to its natural state, which is pliable and flexible.” To use the device, you heat up your skin in the shower or a sauna. Then you scrub your body with the FasciaBlaster using oil for lubrication.
While this cellulite treatment is similar to ones used by physical therapists to reduce chronic pain, there is a danger of causing more scar tissue and fascia-related pain if it is used incorrectly. The physical therapists that are using these types of tools have been properly trained and certified in the technique. Those using the FasciaBlaster at home may have not even watched a YouTube tutorial.
In fact, some users of the device have come forward complaining of all kinds of side effects from using the device. The complaints have included bruising, sagging skin, and even an increase in the appearance of cellulite. Still, there are just as many women who have claimed the FasciaBlaster reduced the appearance of cellulite and helped curb some of their body pains. Reading reviews would be a good way to see if this is the cellulite treatment for you.
It seems that it could be beneficial if it is used correctly, but if you don’t think that you will be able to or don’t understand the mechanics, it is a cellulite treatment that is best left to the professionals.
When It Is All Said and Done
Your genetics, your gender, and your age all play a big part in whether or not you begin to show signs of cellulite. With all the information out there, it seems that the biggest thing to do is to prevent the cellulite from occurring in the first place. However, that isn’t exactly helpful advice for those that are already dealing with the cottage cheese skin, right?
Use your best judgment and the advice of your doctor before attempting any cellulite treatment that we have mentioned here. Everyone has their own unique health issues, and it is unwise to start a new treatment or even a new skin cream without knowing what the possible side effects are.
More Great Cellulite Treatment Resources:
Here’s the lowdown on that crazy “fascia-blasting” tool you saw on “Keeping Up With The Kardashians”
10 Ways to Keep Your Fascia Healthy So Your Body Moves Pain-Free
Cellulite – Diagnosis & Treatment

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