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What You Need to Know About Eyebrow Threading

An Eyebrow Threading Primer
We have, by now, all seen someone having eyebrow threading done, and while it looks a bit scary or painful, it is said to be one of the least painful and most precise methods for managing eyebrow hair. An ancient Indian Technique, it is best done by a professional who will quickly and adeptly shape the brows. But, you might wonder, just what is brow threading?
According to experts at Allure magazine, the “process is quite simple and typically involves a single piece of cotton thread twisted and pulled along areas of unwanted hair acting like a mini-lasso, lifting the hair directly from the root without the use of any chemicals or unnecessary tugging on delicate skin.” It typically requires a long strand of cotton thread that will be “twisted in order to efficiently roll over the skin to individually pluck the roots of unwanted hair.”
Some practitioners will use their mouths to hold one end of the thread, or a chain. There are some who use a butterfly technique that features knotted thread pulled and twisted through the fingers. The technique, whichever used, is going to enable a practitioner to get the cleanest results, without leaving behind tiny hairs broken at the root, and without the risks of other brow techniques. Before we look at the benefits of brow threading, though, let’s focus in on a key question or concerned often expressed by those interested in the treatment: How much does it hurt?

Pain and Eyebrow Shaping
All forms of brow shaping, whether using tweezers, wax, or even lasers can cause twinges of pain. Brow threading is no different, except that it brings the absolute minimal amount of pain possible. One beauty expert experiencing brow threading for the first time wrote that it is a bearable pain, explaining that depending “on the therapist/your tolerance/the time of the month threading feels like tweezing multiple hairs at once.”
Another says that those who have it “tend to describe threading to be an unusual sensation but not painful.” They go on to say that asking the threading expert to show you how it works using the fuzz on the back of the hand or arm is a good way to understand just what it feels like and if it will hurt.
And what about the other benefits, apart from little to no pain or discomfort? Let’s explore them now…
Related: How to Achieve Your Best Looking Brows

Are There Benefits to Brow Threading?
It is not complicated to recognize the immediate advantages or benefits of brow threading, for instance, one beauty professional listed the following when describing why it is such a highly recommended treatment:
Described as stunningly precise, brow threading is better than any other technique at fine tuning and targeting the brow hair. It can remove multiples at once, meaning that it is better than any of the more common options, and yet combines their benefits. For example, working as fast as waxing and eliminating multiple hairs at once, it also does so cleanly and with precision. This leaves brows flawlessly shaped in only a small amount of time.
Chemical Free
Unlike many hair management or removal treatments, threading is exactly that, threading. It requires the thread and the expert’s knowledge. There are no risks of chemicals on the skin and no products that are applied and which can cause serious irritation. That means that even those with the most sensitive skin will be able to benefit from something like threading as it cannot lead to breakouts, irritation, redness or other problems.
As noted a bit earlier, brow shaping done with threading will cut down on time by pulling a few hairs at once. This makes it akin to waxing for its speed, but also comparable to tweezing for its accuracy. However, tweezing can take a tremendous amount of time AND comes with the issue of breaking a hair rather than getting it out by the root. With threading the “quick process can be repeated until the desired eyebrow shape is attained. Eyebrow threading can take anywhere from 5-15 minutes to complete,” compared to tweezing’s half of an hour or more.
Medical experts all agree that threading is much safer than alternatives, such as waxing or even tweezing that can cause painful blood blisters if the bare skin is pinched tightly. Additionally, if anyone using acne medications or topical retinoids has traditional waxing or laser treatments, it can greatly irritate the skin. Remember too that it does not require any chemicals before or after, also boosting the safety factor.
Threading is fast, nearly painless, safe, and precise, and that makes many worry that it will be exorbitant in cost. It is not and is often one of the most affordable ways to manage the brows because there are no chemicals and because it can be done so hastily by an experienced professional.
Long Term Results
Plucking with tweezers and waxing the brows means that you’ll be back at it within a week’s time. With brow threading, one of the greatest benefits is that the results can last for up to five weeks. This is because the treatment can target even the finer hairs close to the surface of the skin, leading to less “keep up” as the days pass. Also, as one expert said, “threading weakens hair follicles, causing growth to be less dense over time. So, the more you get your eyebrows threaded, the finer the hair will grow in and the less often you will have to thread.”
It takes knowledge and skill to effectively perform brow threading, and that is another of the advantages. After all, it means that not only is a provider adept at the technique, but also understands how to best shape a brow to the eye and face of the client. They will be able to assess the brow area and provide the best outcomes quickly.
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Are There any Disadvantages to Having Eyebrow Threading Done?
There are a few experts who insist that anyone considering brow threading should be serious about the potential disadvantages to the treatment. For example, one author noted the following potential disadvantages:
Yes, we already said that it is among the least painful options, however, there is the risk. As that writer said, depending upon a “threader’s skill and your skin’s sensitivity, eyebrow threading may be a painful experience…If you have very thick eyebrows, eyebrow threading will involve more pulling and therefore more chances of feeling pain. A low threshold of pain and sensitive skin may also cause pain sensation.”
Unfortunately, pain may make you twitch often, and the speed at which a provider operates may lead to a bald spot or two.
Any provider of brow management services may do a poor job on matching the shape of the brows or providing shaping suitable to your face. As that same expert pointed out, “Eyebrow threading is an art form and it takes a trained practitioner to produce favorable results. Always make sure your threader is a licensed esthetician (skincare specialist) who is qualified to do the job,” as this reduces the risk of uneven, poorly shaped, or unmatched results.
Not all of the potential disadvantages relate to the provider. There is always the risk of infection because the treatment is removing hair from the pore, leaving it open to bacterial infection. Because it is being done to many hairs at once it can cause a breakout and infection, as well as long-term damages such as scarring. If the provider does use skincare treatments after providing the threading, that too can cause a reaction, breakout or even trigger allergy or irritation.
Yet, even if there are some disadvantages, most agree that they do not outweigh the advantages of the treatment. In fact, many believe that it may be better than the alternatives, particularly waxing.
Waxing vs. Eyebrow Threading: Which is Best?
Which is the best option for shaping and taming brows? Is it waxing? Brow threading? Perhaps it is old-fashioned tweezing? Let’s consider waxing and threading as they are the most likely to be used by those who want professional brow work. In a comparison, we need to consider the amount of pain or discomfort, the amount of time that will pass between treatments, the general affordability of the treatments, and the amount of time they take an expert to provide. We’ll also quickly reiterate the proverbial pros and cons.
So, Waxing…
Is it painful? For the most part, experts agree that waxing is quite uncomfortable because the facial skin can be extremely sensitive. Additionally, some people have skin around the brow that is a bit thinner and more delicate and can be prone to redness, irritation and even damage.
It takes around 20 minutes for a skilled provider to do a facial waxing, but the problem is that the results are rarely as controlled as other options and will last only around three weeks at best before the hair returns. And those familiar with waxing know that hair has to have some length for the treatment to work best, and that means living with the growth for a short time between treatments.
The costs will also be problematic because they will vary widely between providers. While it is possible to purchase DIY kits and gear for less than $100, the range for most providers is around $40 to $100 per treatment.

And Brow Threading
As we learned, it is only mildly painful and not painful at all for many. It takes 15 minutes to complete, but most experts can manage it in around five minutes, and its outcomes are far more precise than any other options. It can last for two to five weeks between sessions, and this will become longer over time and as more threading treatments are done.
In addition to being better than waxing and tweezing, it is also easier to maintain afterward. As one beauty writer explained, “Threading gets rids of the finest and smallest hairs with ease and doesn’t leave the area extremely swollen or red. It also allows for the sharpest eyebrow form and definition, more so than with tweezing and waxing alone.”
However, they do also say that you should be aware of the prep and aftercare needed, explaining it in the following ways, “Make sure to wash your hands prior to getting threaded…When you are asked to pull back your skin during a session, any grime and bacteria will come into contact with your skin. This could lead to breakouts, or even an infection.”
So that is something to consider – that you will be asked to participate and should prepare yourself adequately for offering help. There is more to the prep than washing your hands however, and that same expert points out that you should “exfoliate the skin around your brows prior to a session. This can get rid of dead skin and ingrown hairs, which can help create smooth brows.”
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Once the session is finished, you will have to avoid touching that threaded area for at least a full day as this can irritate or even infect open pores. Most providers will also recommend that you do not go swimming or wear makeup on the area as that too can lead to irritation and even infection.
If your brow threading professional will use a post-treatment lotion or crème, find out what it is ahead of time as any sensitivities are exacerbated by the threading and by the way it opens the pores.
If you were to look at a list of pros and cons for brow threading, you’d see it has far more positives than negatives. Affordably priced and the least likely of all brow treatments to cause irritation, swelling, redness or infection, it is also more precise. It can eliminate hairs far earlier than any other options and it takes only a few minutes for an expert to achieve. It lasts for two to five weeks or more, initially, and this increases over time because hair grows back finer, or not at all.
When contemplating beauty treatments, don’t overlook eyebrow threading as a great way to achieve a flawless brow.
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More Great Eyebrow Threading Resources:
Basic Eyebrow Shapes: Which is Best for You?
How To Thread Eyebrows – A Step By Step Tutorial

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