We reached out to some our favorite IG influencers and asked them to share their…
26 Tips for Creating Amazing Eyeshadow Looks
We reached out to some our favorite IG influencers and asked them to share their best tip for creating their favorite eyeshadow looks. Check it out!
My best tip for creating eyeshadow looks is, start with a very light super light layer of bronzer. The same bronzer you may have used for your face. With a big fluffy brush, very lightly dust that bronzer on the crease almost as if “contouring” your crease and defining your eyes. Often I connect my nose contour to that as well in one upwards line. Using a big fluffy brush is what helps me, it gives just enough definition without interfering with the eye look your are going for. Even if you don’t want to wear eyeshadow, that’s a great tip for defining the eyes. From there you can add liner mascara and whatnot if you want to keep it simple.
Carol Lago [@carollago]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/carollago/
Everything You Need to Know About Eyeshadow and Makeup Finishes
Fall Eyeshadow Looks
Great tools, practice and patience. By great tools I mean brushes, eyeshadows and other products needed to create an eye look. Mediocre products only add to the frustration.
Other than a makeup artist, most of us can not perfectly do an eye makeup look without practice. With practice comes knowledge, you will know how to use a particular product and execute a specific look.
Last but not least, patience. It still bothers me when my left eyeliner wing does not match the right eyeliner wing. But with a little patience, the whole process becomes easier and much enjoyable.
SIFA-Chronic Illness+Lifestyle [@sifascorner]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/sifascorner/
Eyeshadow Looks for Blue Eyed Babes
My best tip for creating an eyeshadow look is to start off with a little eyeshadow at a time to build up your look. You can always add more but can’t easily take away eyeshadow! Practice makes perfect so during quarantine, I’ve been using the time to really play around and try out new techniques. If you’re intimidated by something like a cut crease or winged liner, I encourage you to just dive in and start practicing! The more you do something, the easier it becomes. I have blue eyes and think soft browns and purples really compliment my eye color and make my eyes pop! I love going to YouTube and following along with tutorials and just playing around to see what I like best!
MakeupByMegB [@makeupbymegb]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/makeupbymegb/
Working with Vibrant Eyeshadow Colors
Here are some of my favorite tips for eyeshadow application. I have protruding eyes.
Make sure that you use a good primer to make sure your beautiful work will last all day and will help it stay vibrant.
When applying dark or vivid bright colors, make sure to gradually apply a build up of color for an easier blending experience. If you add a color too heavy right at the beginning it will be difficult to take away the intensity if it’s not the desired shade, on the other hand if you gradually build up the shadow you will achieve the desired shade and you will have more control. Also, this will allow for smoother blending!
When applying color to the lid, in order to achieve a cut crease look, make sure to go high enough on your eye with your blended transitional colors so that when you cut the crease you will have enough color on the top of your crease. Sometimes if you do not go high enough, when you cut your crease you will cover all the work you have done with blending different shades at the top.
Lynnette [@littlelynni]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/littlelynni/
My best tip for creating the perfect eyelook is definitely a prime the lid and don’t forget to lightly set with a powder once you have a smooth surface the eyeshadow should just pop and will just stay in place all day.
Cake Up Lashes [@cakeup_lash]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/cakeup_lash/
First I’d like to say – I have aged and textured dry eyelids but they also get quite oily where I have eye folds.
I like to start with a good base that dries on its own. Many times just a concealer works really well if it’s a matte formula or I do really love the Ulta Beauty Matte Nude because it has pigment to cover discoloration and dries really nicely.
A good eyeshadow application really has a play in a good brush; I love brushes that are medium dense with some tapered ends for movement. Beauty Junkees has some of my all time fave eye brushes.
I like to stipple pigment in my crease to build the color before I start to blend, it really helps to prevent any skipping at all especially around my aged creases.
I also love using one color for all over looks and am not afraid to use mattes, shimmers, or pearly shades all the way up in my crease. A trick for using shimmers in your crease is to do extra blending. Usually extra blending helps buff away most of the glitter and you’re left with the beautiful hues behind the glitter.
Another trick I love to do to waken up the eye is to use a light matte shade in my inner corner and flick the shade straight up to my eyebrow. It really gives the illusion of my eye lifted.
Kelly [@glamwithkelly]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/glamwithkelly/

Primer, Primer, Primer!

My best tip would be to always use eye primer!
stacymariereviews [@stacymariereviews]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/stacymariereviews/
PRIME, PRIME, PRIME! I have oily eyelids so primer is key for me! I love using a formula that’s more on the dry side for everyday because mattes blend so easily on top and really last all day. I like to use a glitter primer for not just glitters, but shimmers, metallics, and multichromes too. I think primer can make such a huge difference in an eye look and I love having multiple brands and formulas in my collection for that reason!
Heather Austin [@heatheraustinmakeup]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/heatheraustinmakeup/
Blend, Blend, Blend!
When it comes to eyeshadow I try to keep things pretty simple for the most part. I do however have a few tips to share.
My first tip is to use an eyeshadow base or primer to set your lids and get rid of any discoloration or veins for an even canvas. My all time favorite product to use is MAC’s Paint Pot in a color that matches your skintone. I use Painterly most of the time and Soft Ochre in the Summer when I have a tan. You could also use a concealer to do this just make sure to set it with a powder after.
Tip two is to blend blend blend! This is the key to any eye look.
Tip three is to use your finger to apply shimmers to your lid for the best pigmentation.
Tip four is to add a pop of highlight to the inner corners of your eyes to bring attention to them. It also makes your eyes look brighter and more lively.
Last tip is for people with hooded lids like myself. When adding a deeper color to the crease, stick to the outer corners and dont bring the shadow all the way in. This will make your eyes appear larger and is more flattering for this eye shape.
Leopard Lace & Cheesecake [@tanyal527]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/tanyal527/

As far as my tricks on eyeshadow…
If you are in a rush but need to add some sort of color to your face, use a bronzer for EVERYTHING!
You can use a bronzer for your face, lips, and eyes. Easy looks like this are simple but bomb!
With this type of method, all you do is just add the color to your eyes and blend. There is no skill to this. Pop on a pair of lashes and you are good to go.
AbbyRed [@abby_red1]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/abby_red1/

I have blue eyes and I always love a cute peach or golden eye shadow look.
I love to start with a nice base or concealer pot and use a brush to lay that down, then I go into the crease and pat down a nice white shade to start with colors.
Then I love to use a nice peach or tan shade to blend out the crease with. I love to then pack on a hot orange or pretty pink or red into the crease area.
Then I go into the corner v with a nice deeper peach or brown and blend into the crease from the corner v. I love to smoke the color to make the eyes larger as well.
I love to take a nice orange or hot pink into the lower lash line area. It helps with a pretty put together look and I can do it within 10 minutes on most days.
Then a nice liner I have been doing without the cat eye liner recently to have a nice summer fresh eye.
jenni [@blonde25]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/blonde25/

I have Both a tip and a trick that I live by!
When doing your eyeshadow it is best to avoid placing darker shades near the front and inner part of your eyelid because doing so will make your eyes appear sunken in, especially in photos. The tip and trick is to apply a light shade or even highlight in the inner corner to make your eyes appear larger and brighter 🤩 this works for all eye shapes!
My eye shape is round but not too round, slightly almond as well if that makes sense!
Nawal ♡ [@mua_ns]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/mua_ns/
So my best tip when creating an eye look is by starting off with using a piece of tape on each sides of my eyes. After I’m done applying concealer and my eyeshadow and then peel them off it leaves a perfect line in the corners of my eye. It keep everything neat.
Ashley K PRO MUA [@ashleykpromua18]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/ashleykpromua18/
My best tip for creating an eye look is definitely having good quality blending brushes on hand. But also what I’ve found to be super helpful is that after applying eye primer, going in and setting it with a setting powder and then applying a base eyeshadow color (something close or a bit lighter then my skintone) on top of that. This helps the eyeshadows blend smoothly and prevents it from being patchy. I have brown, almond shaped eyes.
Noemi Ward [@mimiward321]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/mimiward321/
My tip is to always add shimmer to the top outer corner.
Veronica Muller [@vmuller2]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/vmuller2/
Try a Cut Crease
I am new to trying a cut crease. I use a pencil brush and take one of the mid tone shades and draw what looks like a v on the outer corner of my eye. Then I use a blender brush to blend that out, then take a darker shade and repeat the steps. I take the lightest shade and highlight my brow bone then I use a flat brush and go slightly above my natural crease with concealer. I use my finger to blend the edge of the concealer then I add the darkest shade to my outer eye and just a tad goes up and over my lid then I add color to the part where the concealer is and touch up any areas.
Mandie Alabama [@suthernshelpn]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/suthernshelpn/
Want to Make Your Eye Shadow Really Pop?
Read Pixie’s Tips for Hooded Eyes
My tip works for ANY eyeshape! My best tip for a great eye look is first applying eyeshadow primer or concealer to the lids and lightly setting with translucent powder. For reference, I have almond shape eyes that are somewhat wide-set.
The tip I have would be to “start off slow” and by that I mean starting off with small amount of product and slowly working your way to the desired amount of color or darkness especially if you are a beginner. Starting off slow and taking your time with a look can lead you to creating beautiful looks!
I have hooded brown eyes so another tip, for my fellow hooded eye peeps, is to bring the colors you use on the crease of the eye a little higher than the crease so that when your eyes are open you can still see the shadow I have had that trouble in the past where you are so proud of your makeup and u open your eyes and then you cant see some of the shadow! Going above your crease helps!
Pixie ⭐️ [@makeuppixie]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/makeuppixie/
My best tip for a eye look is definetly curling my lashes! I have almond shape eyes as I am part Asian and I love to curl my lashes to make them pop! I have dark hair and very dark eyes so I usually use black mascara and I love brown and bronze shadows!
Kara [@karamariewang]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/karamariewang/
I have almond hooded eyes. My go to trick for eye shadow is to deepen my crease with two different shadows and put a light shimmer on my lid to create an easy natural glam look.
J*S*G [@jazzyphizz14]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/jazzyphizz14/
I have brown, hooded eyes and here is my eyeshadow tip for making hooded eyes look less droopy and bigger:
Always use a primer so that the eye shadow will not break, transfer and crease.
Apply transition shade on top of the crease so that the hood will not look droopy.
Tightline instead of applying thick and heavy eyeliners. Liquid eyeliners can be used as long as the lines are thin and the wings are kept short.
Best to use eyeshadow on the under eye area instead of black or dark brown eyeliners.
Jo Velasquez [@what_can_i_buy]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/what_can_i_buy/

I think the best tip is using a white concealer, it makes colors pop more and blending is so important.
cheyanne brook [@_cheyanne_brook]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/_cheyanne_brook/
The best way to create a quick eye look with just two shades. Apply the first shade all over for a wash of color and then add a deeper shade to create some dimension to the eye In the outer corner of the eye. For some added sparkle, add a shimmer shade to the lid and you’re done.
Also, I have almond shaped eyes so I like to add a mini wing to elongate my eyes.
Rose [@howse_of_rose]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/howse_of_rose/
I would say my best tip for creating an eye look is to have a really good base/primer and brushes.
For a person with hooded eyes like myself I like to use the E.l.f. Cosmetics eye and define tape. It helps create my wing liner perfectly and allows my shadows to be sharp and clean.
🇩🇴 Khrys 🇩🇴 [@totalbeautybykhrys]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/totalbeautybykhrys/
I have hooded eyes which can hide eye looks so, the trick I use is going a little higher with my crease colors and blending them out so that they are more visible when my eyes are open.
Jessica Gerber [@jlgckg27]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/jlgckg27/

Blending is key to creating a beautiful eye look. I prefer to use fluffy tapered blending brushes, because they work best for my particular eye shape (big and round). I always start by blending a transition shade into my crease and working it outwards towards my hairline. Any additional eyeshadows I add will blend more easily with the transition shade that I put down.
Elise [@greeneyedbeauty90]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/greeneyedbeauty90/
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